
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Newest Greatest Thing Ever!

I am so excited!  I have been Christmas shopping and it has been fun looking at all the wonderful things out there for Grandbabies and other loved ones.  My biggest problem is keeping them until Christmas.  I want them to have them now!  So I confess I ended up giving in to pressure and revealing what it was to one special person on my list. 

I had been searching for just the perfect gift for Christy for almost a year.  I had narrowed the search to maybe three specific items.  They had a very strict criteria to meet, would it totally do what it was intended, would it have longevity, did it have bells and whistles just in case needed and did it meet my budget requirements.  Some met part of the criteria or were just almost perfect, but not quite what I wanted.

Then I happened upon The One.  It was beautiful, met all the criteria and was affordable.  So since I am a confessed impulse buyer, I bought it.  I not only bought it, I bought one for me too!  Merry Christmas to me.  I know I should have given someone an opportunity to give, but it was just so perfect and such a good price.  It even came in one of my favorite colors, purple. 

I then immediately let Christy know that I had her Christmas on the way which led to the giving of clues.  It is a little thing we do each year.  She is more curious than a cat and I love making her wonder what in the world it could be.  You don't give out too much information, but you word your answer careful to keep them really curious.  I have to admit it is fun.  But, I knew this time I was going to break.  It was just too good to keep a secret.

Then I had a panic attack!  What if it wasn't all I wanted it to be.  What if the 30 day money back guarantee ran out and it was the worse present ever!  Fear gripped me and I called and confessed that I needed to give it early so we could return if not suitable.  So the call was made.  Then I find out that I had until January 31, 2011 to return.  Read the fine print dummy.  Regardless I was right on in the gift giving this year for her and I was so happy.  Here it is in all it's glory.  The perfect present for all time.

Isn't it beautiful?  It is just the coolest thing ever.  I started reading to Christy long before she could speak and like to think that is what birthed in her a desire to read and eventually author her own books.  She is so excited and I love mine.  I don't feel bad anymore about giving it early and spoiling Christmas Day because it was the perfect gift of all time.  As I said, she loves books and now she can have a whole library full.

In today's world of computing, we can go anywhere in the world and read so much about everything, but there is just something about reading a good book and getting lost in the imaginary world of the written word.  I had found myself reading less and blamed it on having less room to store my books.  I love books and have many in my office.  I have no more room for books.  I know there is always the Library, which is wonderful, but there is just something about owning a book.  With this wonderful little gadget I can have many bookshelves filled with My books and it is contained in a small 5x7 package.  How great is that!   Too bad I can't transport the ones I own into my E-reader, but I am sure that somewhere in the future someone will invent it for home use. 

Well I must close for now as I have to go read.  I have a time of morning devotion and one of the first books I bought for my E-reader was a Bible.  I am very thankful for technology, but actually some books are still meant to be read in original form and the Bible is one of them.  So even though I have my Bible on E-reader I choose this day to sit down with the original.  There is plenty of time for a good E-read later.


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