No I am not talking about the Superguy, but we could sure use one right now. Have you seen gas prices lately! Oh my goodness. Maybe Superguy could twist a few oil mogul arms or necks. Well, it is just a thought.
Our first option would be for prices to go down and we would get to visit the Cascades and Crater Lake. Our second option is a staycation, but then we would miss the luxury of our little home away from home. I think not. I have figured out a freat way to get our monies worth. We will stay at Bob's Luxury Health Spa Storage Facility. Oh yeah, my dream vacation.
It will definitely save on gas since we won't have to pull the trailer to a different location and we will lose weight because we can't afford food since the gas prices are driving up the cost of that. I have give this a great deal of thought and have come up with a plan I just know will work.
Our itenerary will look kind of like this. We will plan a day trip to visit the daughter three miles away, use her pool, the workout facility and take an evening stroll along the walking path through town. Our location at Bob's Luxury Health Spa Storage Facility is ideal as we can bike or take a walk on the Centennial Trail which is only two blocks away. We can also walk to the river and watch the sunset on the water from the bridge on Mission Ave. We can jog to the local coffee haven for a morning latte. We will dine on our meager meal with a beautiful view of the mountains overlooking Liberty Lake and the boat which is in storage next to our trailer. In case we decide on luxury dining, Wendy's is just next door. Come to think of it most of the resorts we have looked into offer just about the same amenities. Hmmm what does that say? I have even figured out a way around the no WiFi problem by hijacking a nearby freeby. Hey, who says you can't be happy making do. Where there is a will there is a way. The more I think about it, I think it is a plan. Not everyone has access to a $30 a month luxury resort. Aren't you jealous? Thought so. Let you know how it goes:)
I tried to tell you. Monster trailer, bad idea! ;-) Hopefully the gas prices will go way down and you can still take some of your dream vacations. Bob's place sounds OK, but Oregon sounds MUCH better. :-)
Yeah Oregon sounds good as long as there are no big waves.
Oregon sound good, there are alot of places in WA to explore too and you don't have to travel that far. Don't expect the price of gas to down this summer. We are sticking close to home.
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