After her initial confusion, it was fun watching her open her gifts. She is so child like in her excitement that you can't help but get caught up in the moment. She got something pretty to wear, something that smelled good and best of all my daughter gave her a memory book. She was a little confused even with the names written below each photo, but she thoroug

Her second time through the memory book she came to one particular photo and upon taking a closer look made a comment that she was really heavy in that one. My daughter was very prompt to remind her that it was actually a picture of me. She takes an even closer look and says well "it still stands." She has a tendency to be brutally honest and outspoken no matter who is within hearing. She isn't mean spirited, just 91 one with a few dementia problems so you always expect the unexpected. Sometimes it's quite funny and this time it really was and we laughed heartily. I also know from past experience to sit her facing away from people, give her the great view of the scenery or distract her when someone catches her eye so as not to chance an off handed remark, thus embarrassing her daughter as well as the recipient of the comment.
If the comment had come from anyone else it could have hurt my feelings, but as you already know from previous writings, I have vowed to find the thin woman within this year. This just gives me a little more determination to search a little harder for her. I am working more diligently, however, that not so thin woman within is just vain enough that just in case she is only allowing pictures from the shoulders up this year. The next memory book will have head shots only just in case.
1 comment:
I know that next year you will have lost so much weight, that Mama Jones will look at pictures of you and comment on how really good she looks.
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