Day 2 started off great, well after a minor mix up on the part of Albert when he went to the wrong floor and wrong room to load luggage. The other guests were quite gracious when he explained he had the wrong room. Of course he didn't mention the wrong floor. But, after that little mishap we were off to visit the grand city of Great Falls. Guess what! They have the same type of city street officials we do. Over night they had blocked off a good majority of the streets we needed to get to where we were going, but being used to sudden change we were not foiled and figured out alleys and byways to find another route. Granted we probably frustrated a lot of the locals in making left turns from the right lane forgetting it was a one way, but then we are tourists what do you expect. By the way they have many one ways, always going in the wrong direction. They aren't real original in naming there streets either. You have a choice of numbered streets going east and west or numbered streets going north and south. Oh and then there is Central, which I believe intersects them all some way. Regardless we managed to find what we were looking for after circling a few times. I did find the right turn theory to be very useful.
We thoroughly enjoyed the Charles Russell museum! The art work and sculptures were great. I thought it very interesting to find out that 50% of his works are in a museum in Texas. Go Texas. I knew they had a lot as that is where I first fell in love with his work.
We then hit the road for a 7 hour drive to the next stop, Dickinson, SD. On the way we saw many beautiful and unusual things. One of the best was running into a stop light 150 miles out in the middle of nowhere with no cross road or other cars. We had not seen a single car for about two hours. But, low and behold it turned red and we stopped dutifully for about 5 minutes. Of course I should mention it was at a construction site, but all the same we sat there waiting on traffic that never came. It was just kind of funny. Two tractors pushing dirt and us sitting patiently at the red light.
God was really good to us and parted the clouds numerous times so the rain was falling on both sides of the road, but not on us. I really appreciated that and to boot He gave us a rainbow!
We then happened upon a small town that had a museum. We didn't have time to go inside, but as you can see from the picture we took, we got our first glimpse of dinosaurs:) Our second unusual picture of the trip. I thought it would make great yard art, but Albert wouldn't let me load up one to bring back. He mentioned something about theft charges or such. Oh well.
We are really looking forward to tomorrow when we visit the museum here at Dickinson. They actually have real dinosaurs, but I am sure they won't be as creative as those we saw today.
Well, it has been a long day and we are pooped! See you all tomorrow!
1 comment:
Oh my goodness! Those dinosaurs are so funny. Glad y'all are having fun!
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