
Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Continued Saga of Little Trailer of Horrors

We knew we would have to get up early to begin our quest of the beast.  The alarm was set and as 6am rolled around we arose to a cold dreary day.  With dread we loaded the car with every weapon we could conceive not knowing what it would take to conquer the beast.  We questioned each other as to our preparedness, keys, tools, glasses, etc.  We were ready!

As we drove along rain began to pelt us, but even the thought of tromping through mud or Biscuit the Hound of Bob's Place would not deter our mission.  We had a determination as never before to finish this job in victory.  As we pulled up "IT" did not look so confident as before and Biscuit had not been released.  We had keys to the door and a determined look in our eye and no Biscuit to deal with. Only The Little Trailer of Horrors waited patiently knowing we would slip up at any moment and the tables would be turned.  The tables would turn, but not as it thought. I knew it was trembling in fear when our secret weapon arrived.  It didn't look so confident when "Joe" walked in.

Mud was tromped in everywhere leaving it's brown dirty mess on new clean floors, but it didn't matter.  The only thing that mattered was winning this battle.  The panel was removed to the dark depths where the heart of the beast, the illusive water heater, was thought to reside.  We all held our breath as Joe bravely and carefully reached in an arm.  He felt around and made contact with the levers that would turn off the flow of water. The hope of success was at hand.  Hot water turned, cold water turned and bypass turned with ease.  It had been conquered!  No more would we tremble when the fall leaves began to blow and the wind had a chill in the air.  We now knew it was the end of the reign of the Little Trailer of Horrors.  Peace had come at last to Bob's Place.  Ah, the smell of sweet success and antifreeze. With our secret weapon Joe we had succeeded in winterizing the Little Trailer of Horrors.  We were victorious and life was good.  What was a horror and finally become a second home.

We thanked our conquering hero "Joe" as he drove off into the sunrise to hunt other beast.  I am sure they too were trembling at the thought of his arrival.  He was our hero and we will be forever grateful!

We now look forward joyously to Spring and the promise of new adventures.  We are the Crazy Roses and the world had better be prepared.  We are coming!

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