
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Those Crazy Roses

That is what my daughter calls us.  That statement could be well founded as I have wondered many times in the past few weeks.  It all started when we got a wild hair and decided to fulfill our dream as I had previously posted. Since our purchase we have had some interesting adventures.  Of course we haven't actually been out, but we are learning a lot.  I shared with everyone at work that we are practicing camping at Bob's place, which is where we have our trailer stored.

Our first "outing" involved remembering how to connect the trailer to the truck.  How many Roses does it take to do this, well evidently more than we have.  It only took us half an hour to get part A connected to part B and remember whether part C needed to be actually locked into part D.  It took a little longer figuring out how to get the trailer to release the truck so we could leave.  It was holding us hostage and I was beginning to think we would have to leave the truck attached and call for a ride home or the alternative was to take the trailer with us. After shaking, backing, pulling forward, praying and pleading the trailer decided to release us from captivity.  We were exhausted!

Twice now we have attempted to take some measurements to buy things for the trailer.  The first time we forgot the measuring device and the second time we forgot the keys to get into the trailer.  It is really a good thing we have until next spring to prepare ourselves for travel.  I do believe it will take us that long to get it all together.  I must say though we are having a good time and having a good laugh at our own expense.  Crazy or not we are happy little campers and are making plans for our first real grand adventure.  For the moment though we are content with practicing at Bob's place.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Crazy Roses. I'm glad y'all are having fun parked at Bob's. Still think you should have tried all this BEFORE buying the trailer, but what do I know. :-) Can't wait to read about your adventures on the road, when you finally make it.