On our last trip, we ventured further from home than we had ever dared before. We were headed to the beautiful North Cascades of Washington. We carefully planned every step, made lists and double checked everything! We were not going to make an extra trip back to house just because we had forgotten something. We made sure we had all necessary equipment to operate the Beast and checked off the lists to ensure we were prepared. Needless to say and as you will agree, we aren't perfect.
We loaded everything into the truck, double checked the homestead and headed out to get the Beast. Everything was going perfect. We were on schedule. We had figured out our best route. We thought we had it made. The hitch was on and I managed to maneuver the Beast out of it's space ready to hit the road.
We left the safety of the storage facility and I was just ready to pull onto the highway when everything came to a screeching halt, literally! I knew it was too good to be true. Our electronic brake controller was having a spasm. It would go from no brakes to throw you through the windshield stops. We decided to pull over and call someone who could help. We were told they would call us right back. About an hour later the someone had not returned our call. Frustrated I drove one more time around the block, using precious gas, to try to get the brake to set. No Luck. It was decision time as it was approaching noon and our travel time was being cut short. So much for our early start. We had to decide whether to cancel the trip and forfeit our deposit or give it a try.
After one more trip around the block, suddenly the spasms stopped. The decision had been made for us. I thought I had actually pushed a right button or turned a right knob and it worked. Thinking we are ok to move on and the problem resolved, we were on our way again and starting to feel like we were on vacation. Then we stopped for lunch. I should have learned by this time not to trust anything associated with the Beast. The spasms were back. Needless to say 3 hours later, stupid people at the repair shop had still not called us back. Evidently brakes issues are not a life or death situation when you are sitting in the comfort of a service department. So when all else fails take charge and get out the instructions to see exactly what to do. Right. Well dear husband had removed all our paperwork for some unknown reason and did not tell the someone in charge of loading, because that is what he does. Miles from home, running late and getting very frustrated with it all we needed to figure out something right or wrong. I pulled forward a few feet, turned a few knobs and spasms stopped again. OK, that was simple so we decided we would roll.
We soon discovered many many many miles down the road that the spasms had not actually stopped, but were just at rest. Periodically the brakes would give us a jolt. Then just when you really needed them and were praying to Jesus to stop this thing, they were non-existent. Jesus and I were communicating a lot that day. I am a firm believer in instant prayers and hopefully instant answers.
We actually made it to the resort with no major damage, but were totally stressed to the max. We got parked and set up just fine. We have that down to a fine art and work together smoothly. We decided to wait until after the 4th of July and again try to reach the trailer people for assistance. In the meantime, we made acquaintance with a few people in the park who advised us on how to set the controller. It was much appreciated and gave us comfort for the remainder of the week.
We were disconnected and enjoyed visiting the area. It is absolutely beautiful and the Cascades are amazing! We relaxed and just played. Ahhhh!
Then we had to go home. Used the advice of the people on how to set it no luck. Called trailer people and we got the "we can't hear you" message, call us when your closer. OK assuming I can make it closer. You know they say God takes care of small children and fools, I would say we qualify for that coverage. We took off, spastic brake and all. Made it home all in one piece with help from no one, but made an appointment to get the thing fixed before we leave for Crater Lake!!!!
When we arrived at Bob's place, we decided to call and see if there was a better spot for us to park. The one we had was hard to maneuver around a big blue truck. He said he would meet us there and find one for us. He directed us to another corner of the lot and I valiantly tried to park where directed. Problem was the trailer is about four feet too long and two feet too wide. Men! Now I was awkwardly trapped. After a lot of backing up pulling forward backing up pulling forward, I managed to maneuver out of a really really tight spot. Absolutely did not want to try that again so I turned it over to the men. Not a good idea.
Bob was giving directions. Albert was only listening to Bob. Bob and Albert broke a tail light on a parked trailer. I was telling them loudly that they needed to stop they were going to break the stupid thing, but did the MEN listen, NO!!! Bob says that it is ok he will take care of it. Albert looked tired and forlorn so I didn't say I tried to tell you like I wanted to. The Beast was parked sort of in a spot that we pray left enough room for others to get past us with taking off on side of the trailer. Tired, frustrated and hot, Bob's disregard of others possessions left a very bad impression. We have found another place to park our little Beast. I actually think the Beast will like it and I know we will love it. We don't have to deal with other trailers or trucks or Bob's yelling. We just simply pull it in and pull it out. Now to deal with the brake issue!!
I am sure that by the time we are ready to leave, we will have all the kinks worked out, well I can hope anyway. Regardless, we are looking forward to our trip to Crater Lake. I am just hoping we actually get to see it this time. Last time it was on fire and blocked off from the public plus every other place we visited was shrouded in heavy heavy fog. I could hear the ocean, but wasn't quite sure it was really there. Everyone kept telling us it was beautiful when the fog wasn't there. I will also be prepared with maps that give correct information regarding whether a road is actually paved, not one lane going around a curve with death looming over the edge of a mountain and make sure it has services available somewhere along the way. After the last trip, I have a been permanently damaged and have a fear of California. That is another issue.
I am optimistic though and will go assuming we are going to have a wonderful time. In the mean time, I am making lists again and the box of instructions for everything is on top and second is a trust worthy map and my phone with Google Maps. I might even give GPS lady a chance, but I will check my map just to be sure.